« Body Inhabitance Asks Us to Live Fully in Our Bodies »
Body Psychotherapist Ellen Gayda Defines 'Body Inhabitance' Asking 'Do You Live in Your Body or Have You Gone Fishing?' Anne of Carversville Health & Happiness
My client and now friend Anne Enke has become one of my most vocal advocates. Actually, Anne calls herself an apostle of my therapies. Because her website AnneofCarversville has such a large readership, Anne hopes to use her own therapeutic experiences to educate people about body psychotherapy and my approach to healing body, mind and spirit.
Anne asked me to define my concept of body inhabitance and the goals of my Women's Circle workshops. I shared these words with her readers:
Anne,to elaborate on what inhabitance in the body is, I would simply say that inhabitance, is an emotional, psychological and spiritual commitment to be in an intimate relationship with one’s own physical body or ,as poet John O”Donoghue would say, “the soul’s clay body”. It is no surprise as our world becomes more impersonal that intimacy isn’t understood correctly, because it is rarely experienced. The very nature of intimacy is an active state of receptivity.Learning to be receptive to oneself develops body wisdom.
Intimacy is personal. There is nothing more personal than being inhabited. I am dedicated to helping individuals experience one’s own body as a dwelling place that encourages healthy communication, no judgement and allows one’s creative consciousness to express itself in its’ many languages and intelligences. Healthy inhabitance can be equated to living in your dream home with a family that loves, supports and recognizes you for who you are! It is no wonder than most have hung a sign on their own bodies that say” Gone Fishing”. Living in our bodies as our home place can be a foreign concept, especially if home life as a child was undesirable.
The purpose of the workshop is to awaken such awareness and feelings and offer new perspectives that challenge one to reclaim inhabitance in the intimate body as the best address in town.
It amused me to hear that Anne's readers were positively charmed by my hat. Just between us, I have about 40 -- one for every mood of my creative consciousness. Ellen

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