« Happy Solstice Rising »
Today we are celebrating with full responsiveness the miracle of life made possible as the Cosmic sun streams its full radiance of Light upon us. We are reminded of our inherited belonging and dependency to the source of Light that provides transformative power. The Sun awakens our cellular memory, our nervous system and soul longing to reach toward the rising Light which illuminates our cosmic /human journey. This time of year shines the way that can guide us in our destiny path toward our own personal /collective apexs.
I wish for all of you that today you experience a beginning again. A new dawn rising up in your spine, over the horizon of your inner ecology of being. Allowing the activation of those cosmic wheels within your chakras to assist you in movement toward your healthiest self. Drink in the Light that brings stamina to your will and empowers your words into a living language of Love, Levity and Enlightment. Turning toward the Cosmic Light that lives within brings clarity and discernment such that it becomes easier to see the Light within every soul. The heat of True Light melts the heart's defended self and allows the wisdom of forgiveness to reside in its place.
May The Light shine on you, on this planet and on all sentient beings. Enjoy!!!

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