After spending last night around a dinner table with good friends, a conversation emerged between two of the people who were meeting, for intensive purposes, for their first time. They discovered that they had acquaintances in common and that they had both participated in possibly the same Insight seminar weekend in Phila. 35 years ago. They remembered the process of creating with clarity and deep intention an affirmation that they could live by.
Now, we all know affirmations are made, sometimes daily, but how many people hold onto them their entire life ?How many grow into their affirmation because the words that have meaning resonate so thoroughly in agreement that they become their living statement? On this evening, both parties could recite their affirmations that were created 35 years ago on the spot. Not only was I impressed by this, but, also by the words I heard. Each of these people I know very well and I would say, they have embodied their affirmations. They are walking their talk.
So, this has got me thinking again about some of my favorite subjects. Linguistics, spirituality, intentionality and bodyword®. We are born as creative, communicative beings. We are given the gift of oral, written and body language; we are given our human body to ground our communication and awareness into manifestation; we are cognitive, spiritual beings; we are human beings capable of bringing into existence this powerful creative process of intention through the affirmation. Since we all have the capacity to create an intention that becomes an affirmation to live by, then isn't it fair to say that we all have the opportunity to become our living word? In ancient cultures and in spiritual text , the word is always held as sacred. There is an old saying that "A man lives by his word". Another tradition of not so long ago that carried the weight of a written contract was simply, "I give you my word". These sayings existed when man remembered that the word of man materialized. When the Logos/Word Became Flesh. Many philosphers speak of a time when language created experience, named it into being and that the listener and the speaker shared the mutual experience of meaning. This is the forgottoen power of primordial language. It is also the orignal inspiration of my creative and therapeutic BodyWord® process.
So, while we live in a world of chronic communication, it is common knowledge that words have little impact, lesser meaning, are often forgotten, tossed around casually, and manipulated for the moment. Learning to walk your talk requires developing an affirmation that is easy for you to carry in your heart and soul because it serves you and others well in the very long run. I remember, at the age of 17, when I learned to meditate that I became clear that I wanted to do something with my life that would serve to heal and help others. I didn't worry about what that would look like, how I would make money, but simply what it was that resonated with my heart and soul. In time, my life's work became clear and I have never regretted a day of my profession which is more of a vocation, a calling. I also, remember many years later I had an unusually successful client who told me, as I was just starting out in my private practice as a healer and bodypsychotherapist, " Ellen, never worry about money. Do what you love and you will become good at it. The money will follow." I have lived long enough now to know this too is true.
There is no better time of year than now to begin creating an affirmation if you don't already have one you live by. Affirmations give one a sense of direction because you begin to shape intention into your life. The words may take time to appear so be patient and listen deeply. Don't force one as it will not serve you nor have the power to last. You are calling through your words to your destiny to meet you. Listen with an open heart and trust your calm, clear mind; feel for the vibrational resonance of true words with your soul. Then let your body wisdom move you in the right directions and away from all else. You will know it to be true someday because you will realize that your Spirit answered Yes!