In Remembrance of All
On the heels of the tragedy in Connecticut, I attended another memorial this week of a dear friend who passed after six years of struggle. This is the sixth passing of personal friends and family so far this year. This year when my own mother passed, I remembered how empty I felt. I also remember how full I was with emotion.
In remembrance of All, who knew their days were numbered and befriended death as a natural part of the cycle of life, I say Peace Be With You; To All who never knew what hit them and died suddenly in innocence, I say "Blessed be the pure of heart for they shall see God."; To All who struggle daily with the reminder that death knocks harshly and violently at their village doors and city streets I say "Blessed be the meek for they shall inherit the earth".
I offer this poem to All. We are you, me, us and them. You and I are not separate from one another, we bleed the same...
THE CLAY BOWL'S DESTINY by HAFIZ ( Persian mystic, Sufi master and Poet -1320-1389
Ship you are riding on,
Look where it is
Your body's port is the graveyard.
Realizing the destiny of each clay bowl
Tossed into the sky
with no one to
Catch it.
I finally
Accept the Beloved's kind offer
To enroll
His sublime
Ball-busting course