Entries in heavens (1)


Connecting To The Heavens

Years ago, I remember reading that the ancients had no vocabulary word for sky. They simply spoke of the celestial sphere above as "The Heavens". I prefer that noun as it conjures up an image of a fullness of consciousness.

Tonight as I stepped outside into the cold clear air, I looked up for the first time in probably two weeks. Shame on me! This can happen to me when I am living in or near the city and void of natural light. This can happen to me when I am so focused and on task with projects that I keep my head to the ground,  my eye on the wheel or I am too deep in thought.  And when this happens to me, I forget momentarily who I am, to what, and to who else I am connected,  in my life.

Tonight, I see the star studded constellations and I feel connected to my ancestors who have passed before me. Tonight , I see several of the planets beautifully aligned and punctuating the deep dark sky before all the other stars fill in the void and I feel the depth of my connection to all my love ones near and so far away. Tonight, I see that I am seeing and therefore, I experience gratitude for the capacity to see and know what it is that I see.

It is Spirit in all of its forms that I see; It is Spirit that moves me to remember to look up once again. It is Spirit that has me remember that The heavens hold us all together here, there and forever. We are constellations of love and of light that orbit round and round in a universe that we call life.

Have A Good Night