One Gift Left For You To Accept
The tradition of the New Year Resolution is a gift left for all of us on this marked day of Beginnings. I recall years when I stared at the gift for several days, weeks and even months before opening it. I remember declaring a unique avoidance strategy of waiting until Chinese New Year came around as it always bought me an extra few weeks. Those times were unpleasant for me as the gift often collected dust. I developed a restless mix of internal guilt and apathy wondering which was going to win out that year. When I finally couldn't bear being me anymore, I said "Yes, Yes, i will gift myself after all."
When you accept the gift of creating a New Year Resolution, the personal challenge of creative intentionality emerges. It is a creative process for the betterment of oneself. Developing a strategy of follow through is a true act of personal care and self love which requires slowing down enough to actually listen to your real dream list. Thus affirming the gift to yourself.
The gift is alchemical by nature. When our soul consciousness searches within for a strong clear resolve, "Yes, this is possible. I see myself becoming, acting on, ready and able...these inspirations are already living inwardly and outwardly as potential seeds of light waiting to be planted. They are aligned with the higher vibration of our soul purpose. Grounding them to will and intention results in manifestation.
It is my wish for everyone to take the precious time of these Holy Days to breathe into the eternal gift of Beginning anew. It is our inherited gift from the Holy Ones to accept over and over again. Breathe in the creative imaginal potential of life. Allow yourself to be an instrument of manifestation. Bring in Peace, Compassion and Love in all its abundant, radiant forms of expression . Breathe in the inspiration, and plant your Seeds of Light. Bring in the abundance for yourself, your love ones and for the Planet. Create a life worth living for all of us.
Happy New Year, Ellen