Body Wisdom Keeps Us Thriving Not Surviving
In an asphalt world that signals the signs of inhabited modernism and progressive living, there stands alone a Fiscus mysorensis fig tree, in Palm Beach, Florida. It spans over a 100 feet wide, several stories high and lives behind the infamous Palm Beach Grill, in a parking lot that is down the street from the Flagler Museum. It is a true phenomena of nature.
Upon discovering it recently, I found myself returning each day, for several days, to begin to absorb its natural power. I nestled in her bosom by climbing up in her low limb boughs and allowed the wonderous one in me to be held in the canopy of her living presence. I studied her form, like a sculptor, captivated by the musculature of her body. I was in awe of the countless fruit she bore from her higher branches and dropped for local animals to eat.
This tree stands alone as a testimony to the impulse to thrive; irregardless of the environment that surrounds it.
When I look at this tree, which ironically is a native of Mysore India, I am reminded of the Dancing Shiva with her countless gesturing arms that keeps in balance the polarities of the world. I see that her secret to thrive ,not merely survive, lies in her thick roots system that affords her a trunk that is easily fifteen to twenty feet wide. Her very presence is a reminder to all, of the organic wisdom of embodiment. Without a healthy grounding, it is impossible to weather the storms of life. Recently, her survival is at stake because the owner of the property wants to develop further his parking lot. Her survival may well now, not be be based on her own strength to endure hardships, but because of her supporters and friends of the earth that are dedicated to her historical preservation.
Learning how to become grounded or remain so, when you are being challenged in ways that make you feel uprooted from your routines and life rhythms, is a result of cultivating body wisdom as well as circles of friends, that provide protection and support. In the course of one's life, we all need reminders on how to stay rooted. Some of our sense of connection is an internal process and some of it is a social process.
Here are some of the body wisdom tools I have integrated in my own life and in my private practice with clients. 1)Incorporating root vegetables into one's diet creates a sense of solidity because root vegetables are full of minerals from the earth and its' slow release into the bloodstream will help sustain you.
2)Yoga postures that help you bring your conscious awareness to the base of your spine( such as squats) can help shift your energy downward. Breathing in deeply into the abdominal region and sounding deep base tones will reverberate in the womb of your body and help get you out of your head.
3)Walking barefoot on the earth and sand sends earth energies up your legs and helps to rebalance your electromagnetic field.
4)Moving about slowly helps re-establish a rhythm in your body that you can trust when all else feels chaotic.
5)Visualize a deep tap root extending from the base of your spine and goes as deep as you are tall. This will also help you stand firm and tall.
6)Visualize the Mycena Fig Tree who extends her roots as wide as her arms can bear. Visualize that you are open to receive and that you give as much as you get.
7) Learn to ask for support when you know you need it. Don't allow personal pride get in your own way. Develop over time a circle of friends that allow you to be vulnerable so, if and when the time comes, you don't need to feel alone when you need your friends and family most.