A Knot is a Not is a Know
Recently a client came to see me because he had extreme difficulty turning his neck and felt choked up in the throat. I inquired, as I always do, if there were any current or recent concerns, issues or events that could be contributing factors to one's physical symptoms. In this case, this individual had recently quit a job due to a verbally abusive employer.
Using very delicate healing touch to soothe the neck muscles that stretched from the back of the skull to the front of the throat, I slowly relaxed layers of tension from my client. At one point, there was a singular muscular knot of tension that was so tight, that it felt like a large acorn beneath my fingers. I asked my client to bring his attention to this area. I shared with him, that often my experience as a body psychotherapist is, that knots in the body that wont release are negative messages or "nots" waiting to be addressed.
I asked him if there was "not" something that he was holding inside? Barely able to clear his throat to answer me, while his eyes slightly moistened, he whispered "self doubt". It was then that he told me some of the derogatory messages that had been directed toward him by one particular boss at his work. Slowly over time, the seed of "self doubt" took hold and began to grow. His shared how he was slowly becoming less certain of his talents and questioned whether the boss was right after all.
Two healing dynamics ensued: one, to continue to stay in contact with the physical knot in his neck that needed to dissolve and two, to resolve the emotional confusion around the deliberate attack on him and his power. My client came to realize that he need not doubt his own natural power; that he had what it took to succeed based on other professional feedback; he also learned that those who are secure in their own power need not attack another. When my client left my office, he left feeling whole again. His neck had full range of motion again. His self esteem was restored. He also discovered how his body, emotions and thoughts are inseparable.