Entries in the middle ground (1)


What's Behind A New Year Resolution?

For many years,  when I considered making New Year resolutions they were usually framed around the urgency of immediate realities that glared at me in the mirror, groaned when I opened my checkbook or shrieked when I stood on my scale. The only solution I had to offer myself back then that could offset the internal pressure I felt was to go on the offensive. I learned to dive into my fears, be proactive, embrace challenges before they could surround me. In other words, I became purposeful, self accomplished, an enthousiastic control freak, very disciplined and someone who used her will forces to avoid becoming trapped in anything. This time served me well as it did others; but, it was not meant to become a way of life.

Only later, did I realize that I was living my life with an unnecessary "hard will".  Although, I was trust worthy that I could get "the job done", I wasn't having a lot of fun while doing so.  I had plenty of purpose, heart and soul but my spirit searched for levity. In time, it became apparent that life did not want more from me, but for me.  I willingly changed.

When i think now about the willful power behind individual New Year resolutions, I am in awe of the potential at hand. I applaud and support everyone who gives their word to a new resolute and puts their passion behind it. I believe that the more our free will forces are engaged in a harmonious way that benefits the greater good of self and other, the more cooperative forces appears on the scene. Ultimately, if you start the ball rolling it will gain momentum and come full circle!

I find myself in this New Year standing in gratitude on a much softer ground. I have learned to allow my footprints to yield into the Earth Mother that breathes me. I relax my body into her receptive state, bring in her feminine energies and accept that I only need to meet life half way. I have shape shifted out of the hard minded, hard bodied self and am living more fully in the balance between the feminine and masculine within. I bring my feminine warrior with me but she bears no arms. She brings only the wisdom of her age and those who come before her.  I have become softer now but not weaker. I know how and when to play between my and others soft and hard will. I am content to meet others also standing on the same middle ground. A sacred ground that can support all of our resolved and unresolved intentions.  In time, I have realized that all New Year resolutions are a conscious invitation to participate in the ever evolving game called self mastery. 

I wish you a Blessed New Year !