Entries in vote integrity (1)


A Tribute to RBG - Call To Women To Vote

We mourn as a nation for the loss of Chief Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who inhabited within her petite 5 ft 1inch stature the presence of a giant, amongnst both men and women. She demonstrated in her private and professional life a dedication to true decency, respect and equality to what was right. She awakened inspiration in women to find their voices and exercise their power for a higher cause. She lives on in our nation as a feminine icon, our Lady Liberty, who kept the torch of justice, clarity and equality alive.

Inspiring she was as a true feminine warrior who took on institutionalized inequality against women in all areas of life. Her tireless efforts have impacted positively all women, urban, suburban and rural.

Thank you RBG! May you RIP.  Women's Voices Matter!  Vote Integrity!